Case Results

Smith Morgan, LLP is proud of the trial record that our lawyers have established since the firm began. We have a proven record of winning results on behalf of our clients. With the commitment and dedication of our attorneys and staff, Smith Morgan, LLP looks forward to continuing its success and to helping our clients in the future.

These are examples out of a small sample set of our cases. We have represented clients of all types. Although results are not guaranteed, we are well known for our reputation and results.

Recent Case Results

  • $2,500,000.00 policy limit settlement for a husband and wife killed in a car accident by a semi-truck driver.
  • $875,000.00 for an 82-year-old man who tripped and fell at a local business.
  • $1,500,000.00 settlement for a pedestrian hit by a drunk driver. The settlement included payment by the bar that served the drunk driver.
  • $1,000,000.00 arbitration award for a 39-year-old mother hit while driving her children home from school.
  • $500,000.00 policy limit settlement for an eight-year-old girl attacked by her neighbor’s dog.
  • $1,250,000.00 policy limit settlement for a road construction worker hit and killed by an inattentive driver.
  • $707,260.00 mediation settlement for an 18-year-old hit and killed on his way to school by a tractor.
  • $250,000.00 uninsured motorist settlement where a client lost his ring and pinkie fingers after being hit by an uninsured driver.
  • $100,000.00 policy limit settlement where the insurance company denied responsibility before the client hired Smith Morgan, LLP.
  • $175,000.00 arbitration award against a driver who fled the accident scene and alleged someone else was driving his vehicle.

Smith Morgan, LLP


While out fishing with his brother a 9-year old boy was hit by a truck hauling a trailer. At the time of the accident, the truck driver was under the influence of multiple illegal substances. The truck driver’s insurance company claimed the boy ran into the road causing the accident. Smith Morgan, LLP – Personal Injury Lawyers in Portland hired an accident reconstructionist who was able to show that because of the truck driver’s negligence, the truck’s trailer veered off the actual roadway and struck the boy. After filing a law suit, the truck driver’s insurance company offered to settle the case for the insurance policy limits.

Smith Morgan, LLP


While exiting a local business, an 81-year old man tripped resulting in severe injuries. The local business’ insurance company argued that the 81-year old should have been paying better attention to where he was going. The insurance company refused to pay for his medical bills. After a thorough investigation, Smith Morgan, LLP discovered that the doorway where the trip and fall accident occurred, actually violated six different ordinances and regulations. With trial a few weeks away, the business’s insurance company made a settlement offer covering all of the medical bills and compensation for the man’s pain, suffering and inconvenience caused by the fall.

Smith Morgan, LLP


While visiting a local park a 52-year old man noticed an out-of-control vehicle driving away and discovered that the driver was severely intoxicated and under the influence of multiple illegal substances. In an effort to be a good Samaritan, the 52-year old man tried to stop the intoxicated driver at which time the fleeing driver ran him over. The driver’s insurance company claimed that it was the 52-year old man’s fault. The insurance company argued that he should not have tried to stop the driver. The insurance company was unwilling to even make a settlement offer to the accident victim. Smith Morgan, LLP filed a law suit and included a claim for punitive damages against the driver. Two days later, the driver’s insurance company offered to settle the case for the insurance policy limits.

Smith Morgan, LLP


A 38 year old woman and mother of two young children was rear-ended by another vehicle. Although there was little damage to either vehicle, the mother’s injuries were so severe as to require surgery. The other driver’s insurance company refused to pay for the surgery based on the fact that there was little damage to the vehicles. After filing a law suit, the other driver’s insurance company offered to settle the case for the insurance policy limits. Unfortunately, the policy limits were insufficient to pay for the surgery. Smith Morgan, LLP filed an underinsured motorist claim with the mother’s own insurance company. The mother’s insurance company claimed that her surgery was related to arthritis and other degenerative changes to her spine. The case went to arbitration and had a very successful resulting outcome. The arbitrators awarded the mother enough money to pay the medical bills and a significant amount of money for her pain, suffering, and permanent limitations as a result of the accident.

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